

单词 Civilian
释义 平民
Any person not considered to be member of the armed forces of parties to a conflict, other than those civilians who spontaneously take up arms against an invading enemy: Protocol Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 and relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts (Protocol I) 1977 art 50. See also Armed forces; Civilian population.
不視為屬於衝突方武裝部隊成員的任何人,除自願拿起武器抵抗入侵者的平民外:《1977年附於《1949年8月12日日內瓦四公約》及關於保護國際武裝衝突受難者議定書》(第一附加議定書)第50條。另見Armed forces; Civilian population。n.




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