

单词 Supportive jurisdiction
释义 支持性司法管轄權
In relation to arbitration, the powers and authority of the court to aid the arbitral process. The Arbitration Ordinance (Cap 341) confer extensive powers on the court to make orders regarding arbitrations, including orders staying court proceedings where the dispute is subject to an arbitration agreement, directing parties or other persons to attend before the court where there was non-compliance with a requirement of the arbitrator, appointing an arbitrator in certain circumstances, correcting or enforcing an award, and determining preliminary questions of law. See also Alternative dispute resolution; Arbitration; Supervisory jurisdiction.
就仲裁而言,法庭協助仲裁程序的權力。《仲裁條例》(第341章)賦予法庭廣泛的權力就仲裁程序發出命令,其中包括如爭議是受仲裁協議所限制者,擱置法庭的法律程序;當有不遵從仲裁員的要求時,指示有爭議各方或其他人出席法庭席前;在某些情況下委任仲裁員;糾正或強制執行仲裁裁決,及就初步的法律問題作出裁定。另見 Alternative dispute resolution; Arbitration; Supervisory jurisdiction。




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