

单词 Tenant in common
释义 分權共有人
The holder of an estate known as a tenancy in common. Tenants in common are not required to have unity of title; and as they are not required to have unity of interest, they can be entitled to the land in unequal shares, and for estates which are unequal in duration: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 16, Land [230.0813]. One tenant in common who receives more than his share of the rents and profits is liable to account to the others, and a tenant in common will be restrained by injunction from destructive waste: Bailey v Hobson (1869) LR 5 Ch 180 /(1869) 5 LR Ch App 180. See also Tenancy in common.
持有稱為分權共有的產業的人。分權共有不須共有業權;此外,鑒於他們不須共有權益,他們可獲得享有土地的不相等份額,及在產業上有不相等的期限:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第16冊,土地,第[230.0813]段。獲得較其租金及利潤份額為多的分權共有人須對其他人負有法律責任,而分權共有人會受制於針對破壞性損耗的強制令:Bailey v Hobson (1869) 5 LR Ch App 180。另見 Tenancy in common。




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