

单词 Tenancy at will
释义 可隨意終結的租賃
A tenancy under which the tenant is in possession, and which is determinable at the will of either the landlord or the tenant: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 17, Landlord and Tenant [235.149]. Every lease at will must in law be at the will of both parties. A tenancy at will arises by contract binding both the landlord and the tenant, and the contract may be express or implied: Hagee (London) Ltd v AB Erikson and Larson (A Firm) [1976] QB 209, [1975] 3 All ER 234 (CA). An express tenancy at will may have effect as such even though an annual rent is reserved: Hagee (London) Ltd v AB Erikson and Larson (A Firm), supra. The use of the words ‘tenant at will’ in an agreement does not create a tenancy at will where the remainder of the agreement is inconsistent with such a tenancy: Binions v Evans [1972] Ch 359, 2 All ER 70 (CA). No tenancy at will is created where relief against forfeiture is granted on conditions to a tenant in occupation of the premises and the conditions are pending his full compliance: Olivesburg Ltd v Volstead Travel Service Co Ltd [1994] 2 HKC 507. See also Lease; Rent.
業主或租客可隨意終結租客管有下的租賃:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong,第 17冊,業主與租客,第[235.149]段。每一份隨意的租契在法律上必須是基於合約雙方的意願下訂立。藉合約產生的可隨意終結的租賃對業主與租客雙方同具約束力,並可以明訂或隱含的方式訂立有關的合約:Hagee (London) Ltd v AB Erikson and Larson (A Firm) [1976] QB 209, [1975] 3 All ER 234 (英國上訴法院)。即使已予保留年租,明訂的可隨意終結的租賃可產生可隨意的效力:Hagee (London) Ltd v AB Erikson and Larson (A Firm), 見上文。如有關協議的剩餘部份與有關的租賃不符,則協議中載有「租客可隨意終結」的詞句並不會產生可隨意終結的租賃:Binions v Evans [1972] Ch 359, 2 All ER 70(英國上訴法院)。如針對沒收租賃權的濟助是在租客佔有有關處所的條件下授予,而有關的條件在他/她完全遵守的情況下待決,則沒有產生任何可隨意終結的租賃:Olivesburg Ltd v Volstead Travel Service Co Ltd [1994] 2 HKC 507。另見 Lease; Rent。




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