

单词 Scienter
释义 蓄意地
Lat – knowingly. 1. Term used to signify an allegation in a pleading or declaration that the defendant knowingly did, or permitted to be done, an act from which damage arose. 2. In the law of animals, the knowledge of the animal’s keeper or owner as to its behaviour or disposition. A person who keeps an animal which is either known by that person, or presumed at law, to be dangerous, may be liable for damage done by the animal (McQuaker v Goddard [1940] 1 KB 687, 1 All ER 471 (CA)), even in the absence of negligence or intention on the person’s part. A person is liable for damage done by a ‘domestic’ animal (in the sense of harmless) only on proof of the person’s actual or presumed knowledge (scienter) of the animal’s propensity to cause injury or damage: Li Yuk-lan v Lau Kit-ling [1989] 2 HKLR 128 (CA). See also Domestic animal; Searle v Wallbank, rule in; Wild animal.
拉丁語 - 故意地。1. 用以在狀書或聲明書表示指稱被告故意地行事或被准予行事,並因而產生損害的術語。  2. 在動物法,動物的管理人或擁有人對其動物的行為或性情的認知。如管理動物的人知悉或在法律上推定知悉有關的動物危險,即使在沒有疏忽或有關人士沒有意圖作出損害的情況下,該人可對有關動物導致的損害負有法律責任(McQuaker v Goddard [1940] 1 KB 687, 1 All ER 471(英國上訴法院))。 只須證明有關人士對有關動物有傾向導致傷害或損害有實際上或推定的認知(蓄意地),則該人對「家」畜引致的損害負有法律責任(在沒有傷害的情況下):Li Yuk-lan v Lau Kit-ling [1989] 2 HKLR 128 (上訴法庭)。另見 Domestic animal; Searle v Wallbank, rule in; Wild animal。n.




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