单词 | Work rules |
释义 | 工作規則 Detailed rules formulated by employers to regulate the conduct of employees. The rules may deal with particular aspects of the employment relationship, or they may be comprehensive. The rules may be incorporated as terms of the contract of employment, in which case they may only be altered by the mutual agreement of the employer and employees. However, if the rules are no more than instructions on how to do the work, they are not part of the terms of employment and may be altered unilaterally by the employer (Secretary of State for Employment v Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers Firemen (No 2) [1972] 2 QB 455), as such instructions are seen as part of the employer’s managerial prerogative. The legal status of work rules depends on the particular circumstances, including the nature of the rules, and how and when they were brought to the employees’ attention. 由僱主訂定及規管僱員工作行為的詳細規則。該規則可處理有關僱傭關係的特別事項或綜合所有事項。該規則可獲收納為僱用合約的條款,在此情況下,該條文只可在僱主和僱員雙方同意下方可更改。但如該規則僅屬指示,指導僱員如何工作,而非僱傭的條款,則該規則可由僱主單方面更改(Secretary of State for Employment v Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers Firemen (No 2) [1972] 2 QB 455),因該等規則被視為僱主在管理方面享有的特權的一部分。工作規則的法律地位視乎個別情況而定,包括規則的性質及僱員如何及何時注意到該規則。 |
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