

单词 Work of artistic craftsmanship
释义 藝術工藝作品
A crafted item displaying a degree of manual skill on the part of the maker or designer, and which is judged to be ‘artistic’, either on an objective basis or by taking into account the intention of the maker: Komesaroff v Mickle (1986) 7 IPR 295. It is within the definition of ‘artistic work’: Copyright Ordinance (Cap 528) s 5. The word ‘artistic’ has to be read in the context of the whole phrase ‘works of artistic craftsmanship’ and given its ordinary and natural meaning. No formula or test can be evolved to determine whether a work is one of artistic craftsmanship, for it is a matter of evidence in each case; in evaluating that evidence particular attention should be given to the evidence of the experts, and to the conscious intention of the craftsman who produced the work: George Hensher LTd v Restawhile Upholstery (Lancs) Ltd [1976] AC 64 (HL), [1974] 2 All ER 420, 2 WLR 700. Courts will treat an item as a work of artistic craftsmanship if a substantial section of the public genuinely admires or values the item for its appearance, even though others may think the item meaningless, common or vulgar: George Hensher v Restawhile, supra. See also Artistic work; Copyright.
體現出作者或設計者一定程度的手工技能,基於客觀評價或透過考慮作者意圖評定為「藝術」的手工藝品:Komesaroff v Mickle (1986) 7 IPR 295。藝術工藝作品屬於「藝術作品」範疇:《版權條例》(第528章)第5條。「藝術」一詞應放入整個「藝術工藝作品」的詞組內理解,具有其通常、普通的涵義。在判斷一件作品是否為藝術工藝作品時,沒有公式和測試可以套用,每件作品的判斷都是一個證據問題;在評估某件作品時,尤其應考慮專家的證據,以及該作品作者的意圖:George Hensher LTd v Restawhile Upholstery (Lancs) Ltd [1976] AC 64(上議院), [1974] 2 All ER 420, 2 WLR 700。如大多數公眾真誠欣賞或重視某件作品的外觀,則即使其他人可能認為該作品無意義、普通或庸俗,法院仍將把該作品視作藝術工藝作品:George Hensher v Restawhile, 見上文。另見 Artistic work; Copyright。




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