

单词 Boat people
释义 船民
An informal term used to refer to people, especially those from South-East Asia, arriving in Hong Kong by boat without valid visa: for the historical background as to the treatment of Vietnamese boat people: Tan Te Lam & Ors v Superintendent of Tai A Chau Detention Centre & Anor [1996] 2 HKLR 169 (PC). If boat people arrive in Hong Kong and claim refugee status, they can remain in detention pending determination of their status: Immigration Ordinance (Cap 115) s 13D. See also Immigration detention; Removal.
此非正式的詞語指在沒有效簽證的情況下,乘船到達香港的人,特別是來自東南亞的人:有關越南船民所受待遇的歷史背境: Tan Te Lam v Superintendent of Tai A Chau Detention Centre [1996] 2 HKLR 169(樞密院)。如船民到達香港並聲稱擁有難民身分,他們可被羈留以等候其難民身分的決定:《入境條例》(第115章)第13D條。另見 Immigration detention; Removal。




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