

单词 Board of directors meeting
释义 董事局會議
A meeting in which a group of directors collectively exercise the powers and/or functions entrusted to them by the company’s constitution, subject to the company’s constitution: Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) sch 1 table A art 100. Although there is no period of notice required by legislation, the notice of the meeting must be ‘sufficient notice’: Broadview Commodities Pte Ltd v Broadview Finance Ltd [1983] HKLR 384 (HC). The required quorum is as determined by the directors, or two if not so determined: sch 1 table A art 101. Minutes of the meetings must be kept and entered in a book kept for that purpose: s 119. Proceedings of the meetings: sch 1 table A arts 100-108. See also Board of directors; Directors’ resolution; Extraordinary general meeting.
在符合公司的組織章程規定下,董事可在董事局會議集體履行公司組織章程內託付予他們的權力及職能:《公司條例》(第32章)附表1,A表第100條。儘管法例上沒有規定會議的通知期,但通知期必須是「充份的通知期」Broadview Commodities Pte Ltd V Broadview Finance Ltd [1983] HKLR 384(高等法院)。會議所需的法定人數,開會的法定人數,可由董事訂定,如無訂定,法定人數須為二人:《公司條例》(第32章)附表1,A表第101條 。公司須備存會議紀錄及將其記入為此目的而備存的簿冊 : 第119條。議事程序 : 附表1,A表第100-108條。另見 Board of directors; Directors’ resolution; Extraordinary general meeting。




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