

单词 Adverse inference
释义 不利推論
A conclusion, which may be drawn from facts in evidence or the conduct or statements of a party either in or out of court, that may operate to the disadvantage of one of the parties in proceedings. For example, an adverse inference against an accused is one which indicates guilt of the offence charged. An example of the drawing an adverse inference is the inference that an accused person had lied because he or she has a consciousness of guilt in respect of the offence charged: R v Lucas (Ruth) [1981] 1 QB 720 (CA); HKSAR v Mo Shui Shing [1999] 1 HKC 43, 2 HKLRD 155 (CA). No adverse inference can be drawn from an accused exercising the right to silence when questioned by police: Hall v R [1971] 1 All ER 322, 55 Cr App Rep 108, 1 WLR 298 (PC). See also Consciousness of guilt; Privilege against self-incrimination; Right to silence.
從證據中的事實或一方在法庭內外的行為或陳述作出、其運作將對法律程序一方不利的結論。例如,針對被控人的不利推論預示被控罪行成立。作出不利推論的例子又如,被控人因他或她就被控罪行產生犯罪感而提出的推論:R v Lucas (Ruth) [1981] 1 QB 720(英國上訴法院); HKSAR v Mo Shui Shing [1999] 1 HKC 43, 2 HKLRD 155(上訴法庭)。不得就在警方審問時行使沉默權的被控人作出任何不利推論:Hall v R [1971] 1 All ER 322, 55 Cr App Rep 108, 1 WLR 298(樞密院)。另見 Consciousness of guilt;Privilege against self-incrimination;Right to silence。




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