

单词 Advertence
释义 在意
Heedfulness or attentiveness: a perception of consequences or possibilities. Advertence exists where a person can foresee a risk of injury or damage. An act performed advertently may involve either intention or recklessness. A person acts inadvertently if the person displays an attitude of indifference to the obvious risks or consequences of the person’s actions. For example, allowing something to fall from a building: Wong Yiu Ming v To Chark Wah & Anor [1993] 1 HKC 510 (DC). See also Intention; Recklessness.
專注或留心:對後果或可能發生的機會有洞察力。某人能預知一些會帶來受傷或損害的事情將發生。在意的行為可能牽涉意圖或魯莽。如果某人的態度是毫不理會他/她本身的行動必帶來風險或後果,該人的行動可算是在意。舉例說,容許物件從大廈高處掉下來:Wong Yiu Ming v To Chark Wah & Anor [1993] 1 HKC 510(區域法院)。另見 Intention; Recklessness。n.




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