

单词 Advice on evidence
释义 證據的法律意見
The advice of a barrister concerning the state of the pleadings, the sufficiency of the facts intended to be relied on at a hearing to establish or defend a case, and the procedures necessary to facilitate proof of such facts. The advice will usually refer to subpoena served on named persons to give evidence, subpoena for production of documents, production of documents by notice to produce, and procedures for securing admissions as to facts and documents. The advice will usually also contain an evaluation of the merits of the case. The advice is usually in writing and provided to the instructing solicitor. See also Barrister; Brief; Instruct; Opinion; Taxation of costs.
大律師就以下作出的一般意見:狀書的狀況;擬在聆訊中依據的事實的足夠程度,以確立或答辯某案件;有助於證明該事實必需的法律程序。該意見通常指送達某人出庭作證的傳召出庭令、將文件呈堂的傳召出庭令、將文件呈堂的呈堂通知書,及以獲取承認事實及接納文件的法律程序。一般情況下,該意見包括評估案件的是非曲直。一般意見通常以書面形式交予發出指示的律師。另見 Barrister; Brief; Instruct; Opinion; Taxation of costs。




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