

单词 Misdirection by trial judge
释义 主審法官給予的錯誤指示
An incorrect instruction on a matter of law given by a judge. Where there has been a misdirection, the conviction will be rendered unsafe thereby unless the court is satisfied that, on the whole of the facts and with a correct direction, the only reasonable and proper verdict would have been one of guilty: Stirland v DPP [1944] AC 315 (HL). It is no misdirection not to tell the jury everything which might have been told them and those who allege misdirection must show that something wrong was said or that something was said which would make wrong what needed to be understood: R v Stoddart (1909) 2 Cr App R 217 (CCA). A misdirection by a trial judge may constitute a miscarriage of justice: Tang Siu Man v HKSAR [1998] 1 HKC 371 (CFA). See also Direction to jury; Discretion to prosecute; Error of law; Miscarriage of justice.
指由法官就法律事宜所作出不正確的指引。當有錯誤指示的情況出現,該項定罪將被視為不安全,除非法官接納根據全數事實,配合正確的指引,唯一一項合理而正當的裁決是罪名成立:Stirland v DPP [1944] AC 315 (上議院)。如法官不告訴陪審團所有須告訴他們的事情,則不屬錯誤指示,而當該法官被指稱給予錯誤指示,必須證明該法官說了錯誤的話,或已說錯誤的話屬須明白:R v Stoddart (1909) 2 Cr App R 217 (CCA)。如主審法官給予錯誤指示可構成審判不公:Tang Siu Man v HKSAR [1998] 1 HKC 371 (終審法院)。另見 Direction to jury; Discretion to prosecute; Error of law; Miscarriage of justice。




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