

单词 Common general knowledge
释义 一般眾所周知的事
In patent law, one of the requirements for an invention to be patentable is that the invention must be new and therefore must not form part of the state of the art. The state of the art comprises everything made available to the public anywhere in the world by any means before the date of the invention: Patents Ordinance (Cap 514) ss 93, 94. Making matter available to the public requires the communication of information. The use of a product makes the invention part of the state of the art only so far as that use makes available the necessary information: Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals Inc v HN Norton & Co Ltd [1996] RPC 76 (HL). See also Fair basis; Inventive step; Novelty.
在專利法中,任何發明要取得可享專利的主要規定為,該項發明必須是新穎的,因此它必須不構成現有科技的一部分。現有科技包含以任何方法,在發明日前,提供予在世界任何地方的公眾人士的一切事物:《專利條例》(第514章)第93、94條。把事物提供予公眾人士,需要把資料傳達。產品的使用,使發明成為現有科技的一部分,但僅是在該使用提供有需要的資料的情形下:Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals Inc v HN Norton & Co Ltd [1996] RPC 76(上議院)。另見 Fair basis; Inventive step; Novelty。




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