

单词 Special damages
释义 專項損害賠償
In contract law, damages awarded under the second limb of the rule in Hadley v Baxendale (1854) 9 Ex 341, for losses reasonably supposed to have been in the contemplation of both parties, at the time they made the contract, as the probable result of the breach: for example President of India v La Pintada Compania Navigacion SA [1985] AC 104, 2 All ER 773. Special damages are to be contrasted with general damages, and relate to past pecuniary loss calculable at the date of trial. Although well established, the distinction between special and general damages has been said to be more appropriate to tort than contract: Str(tm)ms Bruks Aktie Bolag v John & Peter Hutchison [1905] AC 515. Before special damages are considered to be awarded there is the need for the plaintiff to prove that the breach of contract was the cause or dominant cause for the plaintiff’s loss: Cargill Hong Kong Ltd v Hoecheong Products Co Ltd [1993] 2 HKC 103. A claim for special damage must be specifically pleaded otherwise the plaintiff would not be allowed to recover damages: Hayward v Pullinger & Partners Ltd [1950] 1 All ER 581. See also Breach of contract; Contract; Damages; General damages; Hadley v Baxendale, rule in; Tort.
Tort - 1. Damages awarded for loss actually suffered and expenditure actually incurred. Common examples are medical expenses and loss of income. In a personal injuries claim, it refers to past expenses and loss of earnings: British Transport Commission v Gourlay [1956] AC 185, [1955] 3 All ER 796 (HL). Special damages are given in respect of any consequences reasonably and probably arising from the breach complained of: Prehn v Royal Bank of Liverpool (1870) LR 5 Ex 92. Special damage must be pleaded: Cookson v Knowles [1979] AC 556. 2. Damages that are peculiar to a particular plaintiff in that they are over and above those suffered by the public at large: Benjamin v Storr (1844) LR 9 CP 400. The term ‘special damage’ has also been used to distinguish the special disadvantage which a member of the public must prove to succeed in a private action based on a public nuisance: Ratcliffe v Evans [1892] 2 QB 524 (CA). See also Damages; Damages at large; General damages.
在合約法,根據Hadley訴 Baxendale (1854) 9 Ex 341, 156 ER 145第二部份原則,就雙方在訂立合約時,合理地以為是在雙方預期之內作為違約的可能結果的損失,而判給的損害賠償:例如 President of India v La Pintada Compania Navigacion SA [1985] AC 104, 2 All ER 773。專項損害賠償與一般損害賠償有別,與在審訴日期可計算的過往的金錢損失有關。儘速已妥善地確立此原則,專項損害賠償及一般損害賠償的區別據說在侵權法較在合約法更為適合:StrÖms Bruks Sktie Bolag v Hutchison [1905] AC 515。在考慮判給專項損害賠償之前,原告須證明違約是原告損失的因由或主因:Cargill Hong Kong Ltd v Hoecheong Products Co Ltd [1993] 2 HKC 103。須特別就專項損害賠償的申索作訴,否則原告不獲准予追討損害賠償:Hayward v Pullinger & Partners Ltd [1950] 1 All ER 581。 另見 Breach of contract; Contract; Damages; General damages; Hadley v Baxendale, rule in; Tort。
侵權 -  1. 就實際上蒙受的損失及實際上招致的費用而判給的損害賠償。常見的例子是醫療費用及收入損失。在人身傷害的申索,專項損害賠償指過去的費用和收入損失:British Transport Commission v Gourlay [1956] AC 185, [1955] 3 All ER 796(上議院)。就被申訴的違約而合理及可能產生的任何後果而判給的專項損害賠償:Prehn v Royal Bank of Liverpool (1870) LR 5 Ex 92。須就專項損害賠償作訴:Cookson v Knowles [1979] AC 556。  2. 對特定的原告判給的特有的損害賠償,他們所蒙受的損害超逾公眾整體所蒙受的:Benjamin v Storr (1844) LR 9 CP 400。亦使用「專項損害賠償」一詞以區別特別損失,在特別損失,公眾人士須在私人訴訟證明基於公眾滋擾而勝訴:Ratcliffe v Evans [1892] 2 QB 524 (英國上訴法院)。另見 Damages; Damages at large; General damages。




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