

单词 Communication of acceptance
释义 承約的傳達
Words or acts that indicate an intention to enter into a legally binding contract with the offeror on the terms as contained in the offer and such intention is actually brought to the notice of the offeror: Entores Ltd v Miles Far East Corp [1955] 2 QB 327, 2 All ER 493. Generally, silence cannot constitute acceptance; some positive words or acts directed at the offeror are required: Felthouse v Bindley (1862) 11 CB (NS) 869, 142 ER 1037; Re Empire Assurance Corp, Somerville’s Case (1871) 6 Ch App 266. However, a contract may be formed by the conduct of the parties consistent with the existence of such a contract without actual communication of acceptance: Empirnall Holdings Pty Ltd v Machon Paull Partners Pty Ltd (1988) 14 NSWLR 523. See also Acceptance; Offer; Postal acceptance rule.
表明跟要約人就要約載有的條款締結具法律約束力的合約的意向的語言文字或行為,而該意向實際地為要約人所知悉:Entores Ltd v Miles Far East Corp [1955] 2 QB 327, 2 All ER 493。緘默通常不能構成承約;一些讓要約人注意的確切語言文字或行為是需要的:Felthouse v Bindley (1862) 11 CB (NS) 869, 142 ER 1037; Re Empire Assurance Corp, Somerville’s Case (1871) 6 Ch App 266。不過,在承約沒有實際傳達的情況下,若各方的行徑符合某一合約的存在,亦可構成該合約:Empirnall Holdings Pty Ltd v Machon Paull Partners Pty Ltd (1988) 14 NSWLR 523。另見 Acceptance; Offer; Postal acceptance rule。




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