

单词 Common law
释义 普通法
The unwritten law derived from the traditional law of England as developed by judicial precedence, interpretation, expansion and modification. The common law creates specific criminal offences, contains rules of evidence and practice and procedure, and sets out the rights and privileges of citizens. In Hong Kong, the common law and rules of equity previously in force before 1997 will continue to apply unless amended by legislation: Basic Law art 8; Hong Kong Reunification Ordinance (No 110 of 1997); HKSAR v Ma Wai Kwan David [1997] 2 HKC 315. The courts may refer to precedents of other common law jurisdictions: Basic Law art 84.
來自英格蘭傳統法的不成文法,通過司法先例、解釋、擴大、修改所形成。普通法設定指定的刑事罪行,並包含證據規則、實務、程序,且開列出公民的權利及特權。在香港,1997年前有效的普通法及衝平法規則,除非通過立法修改,否則將繼續適用:《基本法》第8條;《香港回歸條例》(1997年第110號);HKSAR v Ma Wai Kwan David [1997] 2 HKC 315。法庭可參考其他普通法管轄區的案例:《基本法》第84條。




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