

单词 Commutation
释义 轉換、減刑
The act of substituting one thing for another.
Criminal law - Substituting the sentence for an offence passed upon a convicted defendant to one of less severity. In the Hong Kong SAR, a sentence may be reduced by remission for good behaviour or by a successful appeal against sentence or by applying to the Chief Executive for pardon or commutation: Prison Rules (Cap 234A) s 69; Basic Law art 48(12). Only the Chief Executive can formally commute a sentence by invoking art 48(12). See also Pardon; Remission; Sentence.
Taxation and revenue - The substitution of regular future payments under a contract in exchange for a lump sum payment. Any sum received by way of commutation of pension under certain pension legislation is excluded in the computing of income of a person chargeable for salaries tax: Inland Revenue Ordinance (Cap 112) s 8. See also Annuity; Pension.
刑法 - 以嚴重性低一些的刑期,替代就被告人被定罪的罪行之判刑。在香港特別行政區,判刑可因下述情形得以減刑:良好行為、針對刑期上訴得值、向行政長官申請特赦、減刑:《監獄條例》(第234A章)第69條;《基本法》第48(12)條。只有行政長官可援引第48(12)條正式減免判刑。另見 Pardon; Remission; Sentence。
徵稅及稅收 - 以整筆付款交換根據合約項下的未來定期付款。根據某些退休金法例,折算退休金所收取的任何款項,不包括在計算個人應課薪俸稅內:《稅務條例》(第112章)第8條。另見 Annuity; Pension。n.




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