

单词 Misdescription
释义 錯誤說明
An error in the description of the subject matter of a legal transaction contained in a legal instrument.
Succession - A wrong description or identification of a beneficiary, executor or item of property in a will. Where the will contains a misdescription or an insufficient description of the person nominated as executor, the grant issues to the person who, according to the evidence, was actually intended by his correct description, with the addition of the description written in the will: Re Cooper [1899] P 193. If due to a misdescription of a person or thing in a testamentary disposition, putting the terms of the will as described by the testator into effect would not correspond with evidence of the surrounding circumstances at the time of making the will, the court may admit extrinsic evidence under the falsa demonstratio rule or the cy-près doctrine for charitable gifts in order to ascertain the testator’s intention and rectify the misdescription: Pratt v Matthew [1826] 22 Beav 238; Re Price [1932] 2 Ch 54. If the meaning of the description cannot be resolved by application of such rules of construction or if there is a patent ambiguity on the face of the will that cannot be resolved by extrinsic evidence, the misdescribed gift will be void for uncertainty: Hong Kong Bank Trustee Ltd v Fu Chui Ying [1994] 1 HKC 702, Llewellyn v Earl of Jersey (1843) 11 M & W, Chan Man Choi, Success Million Investment Limited v Poon Fook Wah, Lam Kwan Chun (CACV 385/2000, unreported). See also Cy-prè; s; Interpretation.
繼承 - 指遺囑就受益人、遺囑執行人或某項財產作出錯誤的說明或辯識。指在有關遺囑就提名為遺囑執行人的人載有錯誤說明或不充分說明的情況下,授予其正確的說明所實際意圖授予的人(視乎有關證據),並在有關遺囑以文字紀錄說明:Re Cooper [1899] P 193。如在遺囑處置因對某人或某物的錯誤說明,而令致立遺囑人說明的遺囑條款的實施,與在訂立遺囑時的周圍情況的證據不符,則有關法庭為確定立遺囑人的意圖及糾正有關的錯誤說明,可根據錯誤說明不會成為無效的原則或給予慈善饋贈的近似原則接納外在證據:Pratt v Matthew [1826] 22 Beav 238; Re Price [1932] 2 Ch 54。如不可藉應用此等釋義的規則解決錯誤說明的涵義,或如有關遺囑的表面有明顯的含糊之處,並且不可藉外在證據解決,則被錯誤說明的饋贈會因不確定性而無效:Hong Kong Bank Trustee Ltd v Fu Chui Ying [1994] 1 HKC 702, Llewellyn v Earl of Jersey (1843) 11 M & W, Chan Man Choi, Success Million Investment Limited v Poon Fook Wah, Lam Kwan Chun(民事上訴2000年第385號,未經彙報)。另見Cy-prè; s; Interpretation。n.




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