

单词 Quiet enjoyment
释义 平靜受益權
A covenant that the tenant is peaceably to hold and enjoy the demised premises during the term without lawful entry, eviction or interruption by the landlord or persons claiming through or under him; or it may be an absolute covenant, in which case it extends also to interruption by persons claiming by title paramount: Yeung Lam Wilson v Law Po Chong Priscilla [2000] 1 HKC 758, 1 HKLRD 223 (CA). The covenant for quiet enjoyment is implied from the mere relationship of landlord and tenant. It can be a clause whereby the landlord binds himself to ‘warrant and defend’ the tenant against all persons lawfully claiming the premises during the term operates as an express covenant for quiet enjoyment: Williams v Burrell (1845) 1 CB 402. It is given expressly or by implication in a lease or by lessor by the use of the word ‘demise’. A lessor breaches this covenant by entering the leased premises without the consent of the lessee, a lessor also breaches it by conduct which makes the lessee’s ordinary use and enjoyment of the premises impossible, for example, unlawful eviction of tenant by harassment: Yeung Wah James v Alfa Sea Ltd [1993] 1 HKC 440 (HC). See also Covenants for title; Lease.
保證租客可安靜持有及享用批租處所,並在批租期間不受業主,或在業主以下的人不合法進入,迫遷或干擾的契諾;契諾可以是絕對的,如果是絕對契諾,則保證會延展至不受最高業權下的人的干擾:Yeung Lam Wilson v Law Po Chong Priscilla [2000] 1 HKC 758, 1 HKLRD 223 (上訴法庭)。平靜受益的契諾可僅僅由業主及租客的關係隱含產生。它可以是業主就下述約束自己的條款,即在租約期間,業主會針對所有對處所提出合法申索的其他人士,「保證及防衛」租客,而在運作上這條款即為平靜受益權的明示契諾:Williams v Burrell (1845) 1 CB 402。平靜受益權契諾可藉在租約中或出租人用上「出租」的字句,而明示或隱含作出。出租人未經承租人同意進入出租處所即違反這契諾,如出租人致令承租人無法一般地使用及享用處所,例如通過侵擾而非法迫遷租客,出租人即以行動違反這契諾:Yeung Wah James v Alfa Sea Ltd [1993] 1 HKC 440 (高等法院)。另見 Covenants for title; Lease。




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