

单词 Executive Council
释义 行政會議
An organ for assisting the Chief Executive in policy-making: Basic Law art 54. Members of the Executive Council shall be appointed by the Chief Executive from among the principal officials of the executives authorities, members of the Legislative Council and public figures and they shall be Chinese citizens who are permanent residents of the Hong Kong SAR with no right of abode in any foreign country. Their appointment or removal shall be decided by the Chief Executive and the terms of office shall not extend beyond the expiry of that of the appointing Chief Executive: art 55. Except for the appointment, removal and disciplining of officials and the adoption of measures in emergencies, the Chief Executive must consult the Council before making important policy decisions, introducing bills to the Legislative Council, making subordinate legislation or dissolving the Legislative Council. However, the Chief Executive does not necessarily accept the majority opinion of the Council. In such case, he or she must put the specific reasons on record: art 56. See also Executive.
協助行政長官決策的機構:《基本法》第54條。香港特別行政區行政會議的成員由行政長官從行政機關的主要官員、立法會議員和社會人士中委任,並由在外國無居留權的香港特別行政區永久性居民中的中國公民擔任。其任免由行政長官決定。行政會議成員的任期應不超過委任他的行政長官的任期:第55條。行政長官在作出重要決策、向立法會提交法案、制定附屬法規和解散立法會前,須徵詢行政會議的意見,但人事任免、紀律制裁和緊急情況下採取的措施除外。行政長官如不採納行政會議多數成員的意見,應將具體理由記錄在案:第56條。另見 Executive。




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