

单词 View
释义 觀點

1. Sight or vision. 2. A demonstration, experiment, or inspection. The jury may, with the leave of the judge, having heard the parties to the proceedings, take a view of any place relevant to the facts in issue in a case: R v Lawrence [1968] 1 All ER 579, 52 Cr App Rep 163 (CA). The issue of whether or not to permit the jury to view such a place is a matter within the discretion of the trial judge. He may arrange for a view on his own initiative: R v Hunter [1985] 2 All ER 173, 81 Cr App Rep 40 (CA). In exercising his discretion, the trial judge should consider the potential benefits of holding the view and timing of the view with respect to the testimony of witnesses in the case. The court is adjourned to the place of the view and is constituted there; the view is part of the trial: R v Hunter, supra. The trial judge should be present at the view: R v Hunter, supra. 3. Motive for an, or intention to, act. It may be an offence to perform an act with a view to achieving a certain result. For example, in relation to the offence of false accounting, the accused must have a view to gain for himself or another or an intention to cause loss to another: Theft Ordinance (Cap 210) s 19(1). See also Admissible evidence; Motive; Real evidence.
1. 見解或看法。 視察  2.論證、試驗或檢查。在法官許可下,陪審團可在聆聽法律程序各方的陳詞後,可視察與案件受爭議的事實有關的任何地方:R v Lawrence [1968] 1 All ER 579, 52 Cr App Rep 163 (芵國上訴法院)。主審法官有酌情權決定是否准許陪審團視察此等地方。主審法官可主動安排視察:R v Hunter [1985] 2 All ER 173, 81 Cr App Rep 40 (芵國上訴法院)。主審法官在行使其酌情權時,應就案件證人提供的證供而考慮有關視察的潛在利益及視察時間。法庭會到視察的地點,並在該處組成法庭;視察屬於審訊的一部分:R v Hunter, 見上文。主審法官在視察時應在場:R v Hunter, 見上文。目的  3.行為的動機或意圖。如達成某行為的目的在於達到若干結果,則可屬犯罪。舉例說,就偽造帳目的罪行而言,有關的被告人必須有使自己或另一人獲益的目的,或有使另一人遭受損失的意圖:盜竊罪條例(第210章)第19(1)條。另見 Admissible evidence; Motive; Real evidence。n.





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