

单词 Vicarious performance
释义 轉承履行
In contract law, the performance of an obligation by the promisor through the acts of a third party: Hirachand Punamchand v Temple [1911] 2 KB 330. Under the principle of vicarious performance, while a promisee is free to subcontract the work to any third party, he remains liable for any breach of the contract with the promisor: Union Computer Ltd v Personal Computer International Ltd (HCA 20536/98, unreported). This is common in building and construction law, but must only occur in certain circumstances including where (1) the employer is indifferent to who carries out the work; (2) there is no express provision forbidding the hiring of sub-contractors; and (3) the contractor was not hired for special skills or talent: Robson v Drummond (1831) 2 B & Ad 303. See also Subcontract.
在合約法上,承諾人通過第三方的行為履行義務:Hirachand Punamchand v Temple [1911] 2 KB 330。根據轉承履行的原則,儘管受諾人可自由分包合約工作予任何第三方,他/她仍然對有關的承諾人負有違約的法律責任:Union Computer Ltd v Personal Computer International Ltd (高院民事訴訟1998年第20536號,未經彙報)。轉承履行常見於建築物及建造法中,但僅可在若干情況下才可作出,包括:(1) 當涉及由誰人履行工程時,僱主並無任何偏袒;(2) 當無任何明示條文禁止僱用次承建商;及(3) 當該承辦商並非因其特別的技能或才能而獲聘:Robson v Drummond (1831) 2 B & Ad 303。另見 Subcontract。




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