

单词 Carriage by air
释义 空運
The conveyance of passengers and goods using aircraft as the mode of transportation, which is regulated by the Carriage by Air Ordinance (Cap 500). It comprises the period during which the baggage or cargo is in charge of the carrier, whether in an aerodrome or on board an aircraft, or in the case of a landing outside an aerodrome, in any place whatsoever: Carriage by Air Ordinance (Cap 500) sch 3 pt I art 18(2); Manohar (t/a Vinamito Trading House) v Hill & Delamain (HK) Ltd [1993] 2 HKC 342, [1994] 1 HKLR 353 (CA). It does not extend to carriage by land, sea or river, outside an aerodrome, unless it is in the performance of the contract of carriage and for the purpose of loading, delivery or transhipment: sch 3 pt I art 18(3). See also Aircraft; Carriage by land; Carriage by sea; Carrier; Contract of carriage; Goods; Passenger.
受《航空運輸條例》(第500章)的規管,使用航空器作為運輸方式而運送乘客及貨品。包括有關行李或貨物由承運人保管的期間,不論是在機場內或飛機上保管:如果在機場外降落,則不論是在任何地方保管:《航空運輸條例》(第500章)附件3第I部分第18(2)條;Manohar (t/a Vinamito Trading House) v Hill & Delamain (HK) Ltd [1993] 2 HKC 342, [1994] 1 HKLR 353(上訴法院)。航空運輸的期間引伸而適用於在機場以外進行的任何陸上、海上或河道運輸,除非該等運輸是在履行航空運輸合約時為了裝載、交付或轉運而作出的:附件3第I部分第18(3)條。另見 Aircraft; Carriage by land; Carriage by sea; Carrier; Contract of carriage; Goods; Passenger。




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