

单词 Warrantor
释义 保證人
A person who warrants something or gives a warranty. In respect of any goods sold by a warrantor in the course of trade in respect of which a warranty may be relied on, the warrantor commits an offence if he gives to the purchaser a false warranty unless he proves that when he gave the warranty he took all reasonable steps to ensure that the statements contained in it were, and would continue at all relevant times to be, accurate: Weights and Measures Ordinance (Cap 68) ss 20, 21. See also Express warranty; Implied warranty; Promissory warranty; Warranty.
作出保證的人或給予保證的人。保證人在營商過程中出售貨物,而該貨物的保證書可憑以答辯者,則凡發給買者虛假的保證書,即屬犯罪,除非他證明在發出保證書時,已採取一切合理步驟確保其中所載的陳述,在當時及以後的一切有關時間上,均屬確實無誤:《度量衡條例》(第68章)第20、21條。另見 Express warranty; Implied warranty; Promissory warranty; Warranty。n.




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