

单词 Projections
释义 伸出物
1. In building and construction law, items which are built or constructed which add to an existing structure such as signboards, external signs, banners, poles, cages, shades: Great Source Enterprise Ltd v Lam Ka On Allan & Anor (LDBM 193/2002, unreported). No architectural projections shall project over a street more than 500 mm or at a height of less than 2.5 m above the level of the ground: Building (Planning) Regulations (Cap 123F) reg 7. Where in the opinion of the Building Authority the public interest so requires he may by order in writing served on the owner of the building any part of which projects, or attached to which is any projection, over any street or unleased Government land require the alteration or removal of such projection; or carry out or cause to be carried out such alteration or removal and, except in the case of a projection over a street held on lease from the Government, recover the cost thereof from such owner: s 31(2). The Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands may by regulation provide for planning and design of buildings including projections: Buildings Ordinance (Cap 123) s 38(1)(c)(ii). 2. In surveying and mapping, the conversion of information from three dimensions to two dimensions based on a mathematical formula.
1. 就建築與建造法而言,在任何現有的構建物上加建的項目,如招牌、戶外告示牌、橫幅、竿、籠、遮棚等:Great Source Enterprise Ltd v Lam Ka On Allan & Anor(建築物管理申請2002年第193號,未經彙報)。建築上的伸出物,不得在街道上方伸出多於500毫米或在地面水平之上少於2.5米的高度伸出:《建築物(規劃)規例》(第123F章)第2條。凡任何建築物的任何部分或所附連的任何伸出物在任何街道或未批租政府土地的上方伸出,而建築事務監督認為為公眾利益而有需要,他可向上述伸出物的擁有人送達書面命令,規定在命令送達後3個月內或建築事務監督認為在有關情況下需要的較短期間內,將該伸出物改動或移去;建築事務監督或可進行或安排進行將該伸出物改動或移去的工程,他並可向該擁有人追討有關費用,但如伸出物在以租契方式從政府取得而持有的街道上方伸出則除外:第31(2)條。房屋及規劃地政局局長可就建築物的規劃及設計,包括伸出物訂立規例:《建築物條例》(第123章)第s38(1)(c)(ii)條。  2. 就測量及繪圖而言,根據數學程式把三維資料轉換成二維資料。n.




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