

单词 Closed court
释义 非公開法庭
A court where the whole or any part of a proceeding is heard in the absence of the public. As a general principle, both the Hong Kong Bill of Rights and the common law require that all cases, both civil and criminal, must be heard in open court. In certain exceptional cases, however, where the administration of justice would be rendered impracticable by the presence of the public, the court may sit in camera. In addition, the court has been directed or has been empowered by legislation to exclude the public in particular proceedings. The press and the public may be excluded from all or part of a trial for reasons of morals, public order or national security in a democratic society, or where the interest of the private lives of the parties so requires, or to the extent strictly necessary in the opinion of the court in special circumstances where publicity would prejudice the interest of justice: Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance (Cap 383) s 8 art 10; Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Cap 221) s 122. There are additional statutory provisions permitting the Court of Final Appeal, judges of the High Court and District Court, magistrates, juvenile courts and coroner’s court to exclude members of the public from hearings in a specified number of circumstances: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 8, Courts and Judicial System [125.006]. See also In camera.
Family law - A hearing of the court in which members of the public, namely persons who are not parties, their legal representatives or witnesses, are not permitted to be present. Directions for trial shall determine the place of trial: Matrimonial Causes Rules (Cap 179A) rr 33(2A), 34. Unless otherwise directed, every cause and any issue arising therein shall be tried by a judge without a jury: r 48. See also Open court.
全部或部份的法庭程序,在公眾缺席的情況下進行聆訊。作為一般準則,《香港人權法案條例》及普通法,均要求所有民事及刑事案件,需要作出公開聆訊。在某些特殊的案件,由於公眾的出席,會導致司法不切實可行的情形,法庭可以非公開形式審理。另外,法例已賦予法庭在特定法律程序中拒絕公眾出席的權力。民主社會可因道德、公共秩序或國內安全理由,或因訴訟各方私人生活的需要,或因特殊的情況,但僅以法庭認為的需要為限,拒絕記者及公眾出席全部或部份的審訊《香港人權法案條例》(第383章)第8條第10款;《刑事訴訟程序條例》(第221章)第122條。有特別的法定條文允許終審法院,高等法院及地方法院的法官,裁判法院、少年法院、死因研法庭,在一些指定的情況拒絕公眾人士出席聆訊:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong,第8冊,法院與司法制度,第[125.006]段。另見 In camera。
家庭法 - 公眾人士,即非訴訟方並其法律代表或證人,均不可以出席的法庭聆訊。審訊指示須決定審訊地點:《婚姻訴訟規則》(第179A)第33(2A)、34條。除非另有指示,每一個因由及所有爭論點,均須在沒有陪審團的情形下,由法官作出審訊:第48條。另見 Open court。




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