

单词 Executive certificate
释义 行政證明文件
In relation to conflict of laws, a certificate issued by the government, upon request, stating its position in respect of certain matters, in particular those involving foreign affairs. Under the common law principle, the court would accept the certificate issued by the forum court as conclusive as the executive and the judiciary, even though they are different branches of the government, should speak with one voice: Ting Lei Miao v Chen Li Hung & Anor [1997] 2 HKC 779, [2000] 1 HKC 461 (CFA). The courts of the Hong Kong SAR shall have no jurisdiction over acts of state such as defence and foreign affairs. Therefore, the courts of the region shall obtain a certificate from the Chief Executive on questions of fact concerning acts of state such as defence and foreign affairs whenever such questions arise in adjudication of cases: Basic Law art 19 para 3. This certificate shall be binding on court. In any proceedings, if one claims for immunity under the Basic Law art 19, the court has to adjourn the matter pending for the certificate: Zhang Sabine Soi Fan v The Official Receiver (HCB 472/89, unreported). See also Forum.
就法律衝突而言,指政府應要求發出就若干事宜述明其情況的証明文件(特別是外交事項)。根據普通法的原則,有關法庭會接納由訴訟地發出的證明文件為不可推翻的證明文件;即使行政和司法部門屬於不同的政府部門,但兩者應以同一聲音發言:Ting Lei Miao v Chen Li Hung & Anor [1997] 2 HKC 779, [2000] 1 HKC 461 (終審法院)。香港特別行政區的法庭不得就國家行為(例如國防和外交事務)具有司法管轄權。香港特別行政區法院在審理案件中遇有涉及國防、外交等國家行為的事實問題,應取得行政長官就該等問題發出的證明文件:《基本法》第19條第3段。上述文件對法院有約束力。在任何法律程序中,如某人根據《基本法》第19條提出豁免權的申索,則法庭須押後聆訊有關的事項,直至取得有關的證明文件為止:Zhang Sabine Soi Fan v The Official Receiver (高院破產案件1989年第472號,未經彙報)。另見 Forum。




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