

单词 Exhortation to jury
释义 給予陪審團的告誡
A direction by the trial judge to the jury to consider their verdict further by retiring once again to make a further effort to reach agreement between them before discharging them for being unable to reach a verdict either unanimously or by a permitted majority: Jury Ordinance (Cap 3) s 24(5); R v Rose 75 Cr App R 322 (CA). See also Direction to jury; Majority verdict; Retirement of jury.
指在因陪審團未能達致一致的裁決或達致法定的多數裁決而需解除有關的陪審團之前,主審法官指示陪審團應再次退席以進一步考慮其裁決,並進一步努力達致他們之間的協議:《陪審團條例》(第 3章)第 24(5)條;R v Rose 75 Cr App R 322 (芵國上訴法院)。另見 Direction to jury; Majority verdict; Retirement of jury。




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