

单词 Genuine occupational qualification
释义 真正的職業資格
A defence to an accusation of discrimination in employment. Where an employment, whether it is related to recruitment or dismissal, discriminates, as the case may be, against a particular sex or disability of a person would be unlawful unless it is a genuine occupational qualification requirement for the job in question. In sexual discrimination, being a man is a genuine occupational qualification for a job only where, for example, the essential nature of the job calls for a man for reasons of physiology (excluding physical strength or stamina) or, in dramatic performances or other entertainment, for reasons of authenticity, so that the essential nature of the job would be materially different if carried out by a woman: Sex Discrimination Ordinance (Cap 480) s 12(2). In the context of discrimination against disability, being a person without a disability is a genuine occupational qualification for a job only where, for example, the essential nature of the job calls for a person without a disability for reasons of physiology or, in dramatic performances or other entertainment, for reasons of authenticity, so that the essential nature of the job would be materially different if carried out by a person with a disability: Disability Discrimination Ordinance (Cap 487) s 12(3). See also Discrimination; Sex discrimination.
就僱傭關係而言,指對歧視指控的抗辯。如在某僱傭關係(不論是有關招募或解僱),就有關案件而言,如針對任何人的特定性別或殘疾作出歧視,除非有關工作符合真正職業資格的規定,否則即違法。就性別歧視而言,只有在符合某些情況下,男性的性別方可作為某工作的真正的職業資格,例如由於生理機能(不包括體力或精力)的原因,或在戲劇表演或其他娛樂項目中為求有真實感,以致該工作基於其主要性質需要由男性擔任,而假如由女性擔任,該工作的主要性質便會有重大差異:《性別歧視條例》(第480章)第12(2)條。在殘疾歧視方面,只有在符合某些情況下,屬非殘疾人士是某工作的真正的職業資格,例如由於生理機能的原因,或在戲劇表演或其他娛樂項目中為求有真實感,以致該工作基於其主要性質需要由非殘疾人士擔任,而假如由殘疾人士擔任,該工作的主要性質便會有重大差異:《殘疾歧視條例》(第487章)第12(3)條。另見 Discrimination; Sex discrimination。




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