

单词 Profit forecasts
释义 贏利預測
 A prediction by the management of a business of the earnings to be made in the forthcoming period. The Hong Kong Stock Exchange will not normally consider an application for listing from a new applicant which has changed the period of its financial year during the latest complete financial year (being 12 months) immediately preceding the proposed date of issue of the listing document, or which intends to change the period of its financial year during the period of the profit forecast, if any, or the current financial year, whichever is the longer period: Listing Rules r 8.21(1).
由企業的管理階層對未來的一段時間會賺取的收入作出估計。香港聯合交易所一般不會考慮一名新申請人所提出的申請,假如該名申請人在緊接上市文件擬發行日之前的一個完整的財政年度﹝12個月﹞間,曾更改其財政年度,或申請人計劃在其贏利預測期間(如有的話)更改其財政年度或更改目前的財政年度(視乎那一個期間為較長):《上市規則》第8.21(1) 條。另見預算案;利潤或虧損。




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