

单词 Prohibited weapon
释义 違禁武器
A weapon the possession and use of which is either altogether prohibited, or regulated by permit or regulation. It includes a Chinese-style throwing dart, a gravity knife, a gravity-operated steel baton, a knuckle-duster, whether spiked or not and with or without a blade, a Chinese-style fighting iron, a spring loaded steel baton, any knife the blade of which is exposed by a spring or other mechanical or electrical device, any bladed or pointed weapon designed to be used in a fashion whereby the handle is held in a clenched fist and the blade or point protrudes between the fingers of the fist: Weapons Ordinance (Cap 217) s 2, sch. Any person who has possession of any prohibited weapon commits an offence: s 4. See also Bomb; Firearm.
指該武器的管有要不是被完全禁止,便是通過規例或許可證作規管。它包括中國式飛鏢、重力刀、重力操作鋼棒、指節套,不論是否有尖釘及是否有刀刃、附有手柄的鐵鏈、彈簧鋼棒、任何以彈簧或其他機械或電動裝置露出刀刃的刀 、任何有刀刃或尖端的武器,其設計是在使用時以拳頭緊握手柄,而刀刃或尖端則從拳頭指縫間突出:《武器條例》(第217章)第2條,附表。任何人管有違禁武器,即屬犯罪:第4條。另見 Bomb; Firearm。




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