

单词 Profit a prendre
释义 從他人土地領受利益的權利
Fr – right to take. A right to take something off another person’s land: Duke of Sutherland v Heathcote [1892] 1 Ch 475. A right to enter another’s land and to take some profit of the soil, or a portion of the soil itself, for the use of the owner of the right: White v Williams [1922] 1 KB 727. A profit à prendre is a species of incorporeal hereditament. In Hong Kong, there is little land capable of being the subject of a profit à prendre, apart from agricultural land in the New Territories. Nevertheless, the right would be rarely found in practice. The fact that the Government alienates by way of leasehold, and that the origins of the right rest in freehold estate, make it difficult to translate these principles to leasehold tenure: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 16, 2001 Reissue, Land [230.0616]. A profit à prendre is an interest in the land affected and may be appendant, appurtenant, or in gross. It may be enjoyed by one person (in severalty) or jointly (in common). Also known as ‘right of common’. See also Incorporeal hereditament.

法語 - 領受的權利。從他人的土地領受某事物的權利: Duke of Sutherland v Heathcote [1892] 1 Ch 475。進入他人土地及領受若干土地利潤或土地一部分的權利, 作為物主權利的使用:White v Williams [1922] 1 KB 727。從他人土地領受利益的權利是無體嗣產的一種。在香港, 除新界的耕地外, 很少土地屬於從他人土地領受利益的權利的主體。雖然如此, 實際上很少會裁斷有此權利。鑒於政府以租約持有的方式轉讓及此權利源於永久業權物業的事實, 很難把這些原則應用在租借保有權上: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong,第16冊(2001年再發行)土地,第[230.0616]段。從他人土地領受利益的權利是在受影響的土地上取得的權益及可以是原有產生物, 或從物, 或非附於土地之權利 。可一人(分開)或聯合(共同)享有。也稱為 「共同權益」。另見 Incorporeal hereditament。





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