

单词 Days on demurrage
释义 滯留日
In relation to charters, the days after the expiration of lay days. Days on demurrage are an additional period of time during which the charterer is only allowed to complete the discharging operations in relation to the charter vessel in exchange for the payment of an additional consideration. Where the discharging operations exceed the permitted days on demurrage, the charterer may be liable to the ship owner for damages for detention: Aktieselskabet Reider v Arcos Ltd (1926) 25 Ll L Rep 513, [1927] 1 KB 352 (CA). See also Demurrage; Detention; Lay day.
就租船合約而言,指裝卸貨日期滿後的日子。通過支付額外費用的方式來換取額外的時限,但租船人在該時限只獲准予完成關於租賃船舶卸貨的操作。如果卸貨操作超過獲准予的滯留日,租船人可就扣留向船東負上損害賠償的法律責任。Aktieselskabet Reider v Arcos Ltd (1926) 25 Ll L Rep 513, [1927] 1 KB 352 (英國上訴法院)。另見 Demurrage; Detention; Lay day。




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