

单词 Fill or kill order
释义 成交或取消訂單
A futures market order to buy or sell a particular security that is required to be executed immediately or cancelled. It often occurs where a person intends to buy a large quantity of shares of a particular stock at a particular price. If the order is likely to affect the market price for that stock significantly it will not be executed and can be withdrawn immediately. See also Futures contract; Securities.
指買入或賣出某特定證券的期貨市價盤,並且須即時執行或取消有關的證券。通常在某人意圖以特定的價格買入特定股票的大量股份時會出現此等情況。如該市價盤相當可能會明顯地影響該股票的市場價格,則不會予以執行,而可即時被撤回。另見 Futures contract; Securities。




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