

单词 Undertaking
释义 經營/事業
1. A trade or business: Census and Statistics Ordinance (Cap 316) s 2. 2. A formal promise to a court or to some other authority to act in a particular manner or to refrain from acting. An undertaking given to the court by a person or corporation in pending proceedings, on the faith of which the court sanctions a particular course of action or inaction, has the same force as an order of the court and a breach of the undertaking is misconduct amounting to contempt: Hussain v Hussain [1986] Fam 134, 1 All ER 961 (CA). The court has power to commit a solicitor summarily for breach of an undertaking given by him in his capacity as an officer of the court, even though the undertaking has not been given directly or indirectly to the court itself and is not an undertaking given in connection with any legal proceedings: Re A Solicitor [1966] 3 All ER 52, 1 WLR 1604. 3. Acceptance of an obligation or a responsibility to do an act: for example Theft Ordinance (Cap 210) s 24(1). The undertaking may precede the act or may be concurrent with it but the dishonesty must be related to the undertaking to do the act for the benefit of another: R v Tsang Chi Ho & Ors [1997] 3 HKC 36 (CA). See also Breach of undertaking; Undertaking in lieu of an injunction; Usual undertaking as to damages.
 1.任何貿易或業務:《普查及統計條例》 (第316章)第2條。  承諾 2.向法庭或若干其他主管機構作出的正式承諾,允諾以特定方式行事或不行事。任何人或公司在待決的法律程序中,基於信賴法庭會制裁某特定的一連串行動或不行動,向法庭作出承諾,則該承諾與法庭的命令具有相同的效力,而違反該承諾相當於藐視罪:Hussain v Hussain [1986] Fam Law 134, 1 All ER 961 (芵國上訴法院)。法庭有權循簡易程序就律師違反其以法庭人員身份作出的承諾而將之交付審判,即使該律師沒有直接或間接地向法庭作出該承諾,而該承諾亦非在與任何法律程序有關的情況下作出:Re A Solicitor [1966] 3 All ER 52, 1 WLR 1604。  從事/承擔 3.接受作出某行為的義務或責任:例如《盜竊罪條例》(第210章)第24(1)條。承諾可在該行為之前或與之同時作出,但不誠實因素必須是關於為使他人得益而作出的行為的承擔:R v Tsang Chi Ho & Ors [1997] 3 HKC 36 (上訴法庭)。另見 Breach of undertaking; Undertaking in lieu of an injunction; Usual undertaking as to damages。n.




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