

单词 Prison visitor
释义 監獄訪客
Any person who visits a prison. No persons, other than the relatives and friends of a prisoner, shall be allowed to visit him except by special authority: Prison Rules (Cap 234A) r 48(1). Such visits by relatives and friends shall, subject to such restrictions as may be imposed for the maintenance of discipline and order in the prison and for the prevention of crime, be allowed in the manner following: (1) they shall be allowed to visit a prisoner twice a month and no more than three persons shall be allowed at one time; (2) the visits of the relatives and friends of a prisoner shall be recorded in a book kept for that purpose and the visits shall be limited to 30 minutes on each occasion; (3) a prisoner shall be visited in the presence of an officer of the Correctional Services Department; (4) the Superintendent shall fix the days and times for visits which shall be publicly notified at the gates of the prison; (5) visitors shall not be admitted until they have recorded their names and addresses, their relationship to or connection with the prisoner they wish to visit; (6) visitors shall not be admitted unless they have satisfied an officer of the Correctional Services Department, if so required, as to their identity; (7) the Superintendent may, in special cases, extend the duration of a visit; (8) the Superintendent may permit any convicted prisoner to see his relatives or friends for the purpose of making arrangements respecting his property or for any other special reason; (9) the Superintendent may allow a prisoner who is entitled to a visit to write a letter instead of receiving such visit: r 48(1). The Superintendent may demand the name, address and evidence of identification of any visitor to a prisoner and may, on reasonable grounds of suspicion, require every such male visitor to be searched, and may direct a female to search every such female visitor provided that such a search shall, under no circumstances, take place in the presence of another visitor or any prisoner: r 88(1). Every such visitor who objects to such a search may be refused permission to see a prisoner in which event the Superintendent shall record the fact in his journal: r 88(2). The Superintendent may remove from the prison any such visitor whose conduct is improper in which event he shall record the fact in his journal: r 88(3). See also Prison; Prison officer.
任何到監獄探訪的人士。除囚犯的親戚朋友外,任何人未獲特別授權,不得探訪囚犯《監獄規則》(第234A章)第48(1)條。親戚朋友的探訪,須受為維持監獄紀律及秩序和為防止罪行發生而施加的限制所規限,並且須以如下形式進行:(1) 每月獲准探訪兩次,同一時間訪客不得超過3人; (2) 囚犯的親戚朋友探訪,須記錄在為此目的而備存的簿冊內,每次探訪只限30分鐘;(3) 探訪囚犯時,須有一名懲教署人員在場;(4) 監督須訂定探訪日期及時間,並須在監獄閘門公告周知;(5) 訪客須先將其姓名地址和與欲探訪的囚犯的關係或聯繫登記,方可進入監獄;(6) 在懲教署人員要求身分證明下,訪客須令懲教署人員信納身分方可進入監獄;(7) 在特殊情況下,監督可延長探訪時間;(8) 經定罪的囚犯如就其財產作出安排,或有任何其他特殊理由,監督可准許其為此而會見親戚或朋友;(9) 監督可容許有權接受探訪的囚犯寫信一封,以代替接受探訪:第48(1)條。監督可要求探訪囚犯的訪客報上姓名地址及提交身分證明,如有合理理由懷疑,可要求每名受懷疑的男訪客接受搜查,並可指示女性人員搜查每名受懷疑的女訪客,但不論任何情況,此等搜查均不得在另一名訪客或任何囚犯面前進行:第88 (1)條。(2) 凡受懷疑的訪客反對接受搜查,可被拒會見囚犯,監督並須將此事記入其記事冊內:第88 (2)條。(3) 監督可將任何行為不當的訪客遣離監獄,並須將此事記入其記事冊內:第88 (3)條。另見 Prison; Prison officer。




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