

单词 Private company
释义 私人公司
A company which by its articles restricts the right to transfer its shares, limits the number of its members to 50, not including employees of the company and former employees who were members of the company whilst employed and who have continued to be members, and prohibits any invitation to the public to subscribe for any shares or debentures in the company: Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) s 29(1). It includes a company deemed to be a dormant company under the Companies Ordinance s 344A: s 291AA(15). The main advantages of private companies are that they need not file accounts with their annual returns (s 109(3)), and they may waive compliance with certain requirements as to the content of their accounts (s 141D). An exempt private company must still keep proper books of account and its balance sheet must comply with specific provisions (s 141D(1)(b)) and disclose particulars of payments made to directors (s 161). A private company may, by altering its articles, convert itself into a public company: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 6, Companies and Corporations [95.0088]. See also Public company.
公司藉其章程細則限制將其股份轉讓的權利; 限定其成員人數不超過50, 但不包括受僱於該公司的人, 亦不包括先前受僱於該公司而在受僱期間及在終止受僱之後一直作為該公司成員的人; 及禁止邀請公眾人士認購公司的任何股份或債權證: 《公司條例》(第32章)第29(1)條。私人銀行包括在《公司條例》下視為不活動的公司第 344A條: 第 291AA(15) 條。私人銀行的主要優點在於不需要以周年申報表存檔賬目(第109(3)條), 也可免除遵從若干與其賬目內容有關的要求: (第 141D條)。獲豁免的私人銀行仍必需保有適當的賬簿, 而其資產負債表必須遵守特定條文的規定 (第 141D(1)(b)條), 並且要透露繳付給公司董事的詳細項目(第 161條)。私人銀行可更改其公司細則,轉變成上市公司: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第6冊,公司與法團,第[95.0088]段。另見 Public company。




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