

单词 Partnership at will
释义 可隨意解散的合夥
A partnership for the duration of which no fixed term has been agreed: Moss v Elphick [1910] 1 KB 846 (CA). The partnership may be determined at any time by any partner on giving notice to the others: Partnership Ordinance (Cap 38) s 28(1). The issue of a writ or the service of a defence is a sufficient notice: Syers v Syers [1876] 1 AC 174 (HL). As the dissolution of the partnership is inevitable, an application for the appointment of receiver should not be refused: Li Taz Chiu v Ngo Chuk Nam [1946-72] HKC 246 (CA). See also Partnership.
並無議定的合夥固定期限:Moss v Elphick [1910] 1 KB 846(英國上訴法院)。任何合夥人在將其擬終止合夥的意向通知其他合夥人後,可隨時終止合夥:《合夥條例》(第38章)第28(1)條。發出令狀或派送抗辯書是充分的通知:Syers v Syers [1876] 1 AC 174(上議院)。當解散合夥是不可避免時, 委任接管人的申請是不應拒絕:Li Taz Chiu v Ngo Chuk Nam [1946-72] HKC 246(英國上訴法院)。另見 Partnership。




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