

单词 Equitable estoppel
释义 衡平法不容反悔原則
The equitable doctrine preventing a person from departing from an assumption induced by the person’s conduct, representations or promises, where to do so would be unconscionable and would cause detriment to the person who acted upon the assumption. This doctrine has acquired a new meaning and is now generally accepted as being equivalent to promissory estoppel: Bestkey Development Ltd v Incorporated Owners of Fine Mansion & Anor [1999] 3 HKC 275 (CA); Citiline Properties Ltd v Innovative Development Co Ltd [1997] 2 HKC 74 (HC); A-G & Anor v Humphreys Estate (Queen’s Garden) Ltd [1986] 1 HKC 592 (PC); Inwards v Baker [1965] 1 All ER 446, 2 QB 29, 2 WLR 212 (CA). See also Equity; Estoppel; Promissory estoppel; Proprietary estoppel.
阻止一人偏離從該人的行為、陳述或承諾而引起的假設的衡平法原則,否則會構成不合情理的作為,並會使按該項假設行事的人蒙受損害。此等原則現時有新的涵義,並一般獲接納為是相等於已作承諾不容反悔原則的:Bestkey Development Ltd v Incorporated Owners of Fine Mansion & Anor [1999] 3 HKC 275 (上訴法庭);Citiline Properties Ltd v Innovative Development Co Ltd [1997] 2 HKC 74 (高等法院);A-G & Anor v Humphreys Estate (Queen’s Garden) Ltd [1986] 1 HKC 592(樞密院);Inwards v Baker [1965] 1 All ER 446, 2 WLR 212, 2 QB 29(芵國上訴法院)。另見 Equity; Estoppel; Promissory estoppel; Proprietary estoppel。




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