

单词 Privacy
释义 私隱
The interest of a person in sheltering his or her life from unwanted interference or public scrutiny. Subject to some restrictions, no one may be subjected to arbitrary or unlawful interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to unlawful attacks on his honour and reputation and that everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks: The Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance (Cap 383) s 8 art 14. However, the Ordinance binds only the Government and public authorities and persons acting on behalf of the Government or a public authority: s 8 art 7. Thus there is no general tort protecting a person against invasion of privacy. However, the law of trespass protects an individual’s privacy by preventing unwanted instructions into his or her personal sphere. The law of nuisance protects the individual from interferences such as offensive noise, smells, dust, and smoke so far as they unreasonably interfere with the enjoyment and use of land. There has been legislation in the special areas of bugging, and telephone taping and storage of personal data: for example, Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap 486) s 66. The provision allows an individual compensation for damages including injury to feelings caused by contravention of the Ordinance. Even where the law recognises certain rights to privacy, they may be allowed to be circumscribed on the ground of public interest: R v Chief Constable of the North Wales Police [1999] QB 396, [1997] 4 All ER 691. If the facts do not fall within the boundaries of an existing tort, then no action lies: Bernstein (Lord) of Leigh v Skyviews and General Ltd [1977] 2 All ER 902, [1978] QB 479. See also Defamation; Nuisance; Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data; Trespass.
某人掩藏其生活免受不必要干擾或公眾監視的權益。在符合某些限制下, 任何人之私生活, 家庭,住宅或通信,不可無理或非法侵擾, 其名譽及信用,亦不得非法破壞;對於此種侵擾或破壞,人人有受保護之權利:《香港人權法案條例》 (第383章) 第 8.14條。但香港人權法案只對政府及公共機構和代表政府及公共機構作為的人有約束力:第8.7條。因而不可以一般的侵權法保護被侵犯私隱的人。但侵入法保護個人私隱免受不必要的指示干擾其個人範圍。滋擾法保障個人免受厭惡性的噪音, 氣味, 塵埃和煙對享用土地有不合理的干擾。有法例保障特別的範圍, 包括用竊聽器竊聽, 用電話錄音及儲存個人資料:《個人資料(私隱)條例》(第486章)第 66條。有關條文容許個人就損害獲得補償, 包括由違反條例而引起的感情的傷害。即使有法例承認某些私隱權利, 也可容許因公眾利益而限制權利: R v Chief Constable of the North Wales Police [1997] 4 All ER 691。如有關事實並不觸及現有侵權法的範圍, 則不可立案: Baron Bernstein of Leigh v Skyviews and General Ltd [1977] 2 All ER 902, [1978] QB 479。另見 Defamation; Nuisance; Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data; Trespass.n.




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