

单词 Prisoner
释义 囚犯/在囚人士
Any convicted person kept in the custody of the Correctional Services Department: Prisoners’ Education Trust Fund Ordinance (Cap 467) s 2. Any person who is sentenced in a place outside Hong Kong and is brought into Hong Kong in order to serve the sentence imposed upon him (or any part thereof) in that place: Prisons Ordinance (Cap 234) s 2. In Hong Kong, the rules applied to all classes of prisoners are the Prison Rules (Cap 234A). See also Imprisonment; Prison; Sentence.

指被懲教署羈押的任何被判有罪的人:《在囚人士教育信託基金條例》(第467章)第2條。包括在香港以外地方被判處刑罰並被帶到香港就該項刑罰(或其任何部分)服刑的人:《監獄條例》(第234章)第2條。在香港,適用於所有類別的囚犯的該套規則為《監獄條例》(第234章)。另見 Imprisonment; Prison; Sentence。n.





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