

单词 Unconscious
释义 不省人事
Not awake or capable of intentional action. It is an offence for a person who, by any means calculated to choke, suffocate, or strangle, attempts to render any other person insensible, unconscious, or incapable of resistance, with intent in any of such cases thereby to enable himself or any other person to commit, or with intent in any of such cases thereby to assist any other person in committing, any indictable offence: Offences Against the Person Ordinance (Cap 212) s 20. For example, the offence of raping a person while she is unconscious under the influence of sedative drugs at the time of the act and unable to give consent: HKSAR v Cheung Lai Man (CACC 533/2002, unreported). In tort, where damages resulted from an insane person’s sudden and unexpected unconsciousness, he may be freed from liability on the ground that he was not capable of taking due care: Waugh v James K Allan Ltd [1964] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 1. See also Automatism; Involuntary conduct.
並非清醒或不可作出有意識的行為。任何人意圖使自己或他人能犯可公訴的罪行,或意圖協助他人犯可公訴的罪行,而以任何方式,企圖使他人哽嗆、窒息或企圖扼勒他人咽喉;或以刻意使他人哽嗆、窒息或扼勒他人咽喉的任何方式,企圖使該人失去知覺、不省人事或失去抵抗能力,即屬犯罪: 《侵害人身罪條例》(第212章)第20條。舉例說,就強姦罪行而言,當事人在該行為發生時受鎮靜劑的影響而不省人事,並且不能給予同意:HKSAR v Cheung Lai Man(刑事上訴2002年第533號,未經彙報)。在侵權法上,凡某損害導致精神錯亂的人突然及意外地不省人事,則他可免除法律責任,而所據理由是他無能力作出應有的謹慎:Waugh v James K Allan Ltd [1964] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 1。另見 Automatism; Involuntary conduct。 n.




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