

单词 Marital relationship
释义 婚姻關係
The consortium vitae between the parties to a marriage. What comprises the marital relationship will largely depend upon the circumstances of the case, and can include many elements such as dwelling under the same roof; sexual intercourse; mutual society and protection; recognition of the existence of the marriage by both spouses in their public and private lives; and the nurture and support of any children of the marriage: In the Marriage of Todd (No 2) (1976) 1 Fam LR 11,186. Proceedings which arise out of the marital relationship are a matrimonial cause: In the Marriage of Farr (1976) 2 Fam LR 11,300. See also Consortium.
指婚姻雙方之間的終生配偶關係。婚姻關係的組成大部分依據該個案的情況,並可包括很多元素,如居住在同一屋簷下;性行為;相互之間的情誼與保護;在他們的公眾及私人生活裡配偶雙方婚姻關係存在的認可;該婚姻所出的任何子女的養育與生活給養:In the Marriage of Todd (No 2) (1976) 1 Fam LR 11,186。因婚姻關係而引伸的法律程序屬婚姻訴訟:In the Marriage of Farr (1976) 2 Fam LR 11,300。另見 Consortium。




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