

单词 Debt security
释义 債務保證
1. A pledge provided or offered by a borrower to a lender for the purpose of obtaining a fixed loan or a credit facility. The pledge may take the form of a mortgage, charge, lien or other security over the borrower’s property. The creditor under this arrangement is called secured creditor. A creditor does not have to realise the security so provided, in enforcing its remedy: Re Yohan Chandra [2001] 2 HKC 568. 2. Any securities other than shares, stocks, import or export trade bills: Banking Ordinance (Cap 155) sch 4(1). Debt securities also mean debenture, or loan stock; debentures, bonds, notes and other securities or instruments acknowledging, evidencing or creating indebtedness, whether secured or unsecured; options, warrants or similar rights to subscribe to or purchase any of the foregoing, and convertible loan stock: Trustee Ordinance (Cap 29) sch 2. See also Bankruptcy; Secured creditor; Winding Up.
1. 借款人為取得固定借貸或信貸安排,而向貸款人提供的質押。質押的方式可以是按揭、押記、留置權或其他就借款人財物作出的保證。依照此安排而成為債權人的稱為有抵押債權人。債權人無須將提供的保證物變現,以強制執行其補救:Re Yohan Chandra [2001] 2 HKC 568。  債務證券  2. 除股票、股額、入口或出口貿易匯票外的任何證券:《銀行業條例》(第155章)附表4 (1)。債務證券亦指債權證或債權股額;債權證、債券、票據及其他確認、證明或產生債務的證券或文書,不論有保證或無保證;認購或購買任何上述東西的認購權、認股權證或相類權利;及可轉換股債權股額:《受託人條例》(第29章)附表2。另見 Bankruptcy; Secured creditor; Winding Up。




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