

单词 Debenture trust deed
释义 債權證信託契約
A deed setting out the rights, powers and duties of the trustee, the borrowing company, and the debenture holders. Unlike a number of other common law jurisdictions, the Companies Ordinance in Hong Kong does not impose any statutory requirements on a public company offering debentures to the public to make provisions in a trust deed for the appointment of a trustee, nor does it state the necessary qualifications of persons seeking to occupy this office. Where a company exercises the option of creating a trust deed for the debentures that it issues. Certain rights are conferred on the debenture holders, which include rights of inspection of register of debenture holders and to copies of register and trust deed or other documents: Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) s 75. The issue of the liability of trustees is addressed and any deed provisions which would have the effect of indemnifying the trustee against liability for breach of trust is declared void: s 75B(1). See also Debenture.
就債權證而言,列明受託人、借貸公司和債權證持有人權利、權力及義務的契約。與其他一些普通法司法管轄區不同,香港的《公司條例》沒有訂立任何法例規定,要求對公眾發行債權證的公共公司,就受託人的委任在信託契據中訂定條文,《公司條例》也沒有說明尋求擔任這一職位的人所需持有的資格。如公司為其發行的債權證選擇產生信託契約,則會授予債權證持有人若干權利,包括查閱債權證持有人登記冊以及要求取得該登記冊及信託契據或其他文件副本的權利:《公司條例》(第32章)第75條。受託人的法律責任問題得到處理,並且任何有針對違反信託法律責任而彌償受託人效果的契據條文,將被宣佈為無效:第75B(1)條。另見 Debenture。




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