

单词 Hawker
释义 小販
A person who trades in any public place: by selling or exposing for sale any goods, wares or merchandise; or by exposing samples or patterns of goods, wares or merchandise to be afterwards delivered; or by hiring or offering for hire his skill in handicraft or his person services; and a person who itinerates for the purpose of selling or exposing for sale any goods, wares or merchandise or hiring or offering for hire his skill in handicraft or his personal services: Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap 132) s 2(1). However, a hawker will not include: any person who sells to or seeks orders from any person who is a dealer in any goods, wares or merchandise and who buys to sell again; or any person who request visits in any place the person making such request for the purpose of selling or offering for sale or delivering to him or taking from him orders for any goods, wares of merchandise or of hiring to the person making such request his skill in handicraft or his personal services; or any representative of the press or any photographer: s 2(1) The definition in the above draws no distinction between itinerant and fixed pitch hawkers although the existence of both types is recognised elsewhere in the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance: Ng Enterprises Ltd v Urban Council [1996] 1 HKC 209 (CA). See also Sale of goods.
指在公眾地方作商業活動的人:包括將貨品、貨物或銷售品售賣或為出售而將其展出;或展出貨品、貨物或銷售品的樣本或式樣,以於較後時間將其交付;或將其手工藝技能或其個人服務出租或要約出租;及為下列目的而往來流動的人:將貨品、貨物或銷售品售賣,或為出售而將其展出;或藉往來流動而將其手工藝技能或其個人服務出租或要約出租:《公眾衛生及市政條例》(第132章)第2(1)條。但小販並不包括:向購入貨品、貨物或銷售品以作轉售的商人,作售賣或覓取定單的人;或應邀而前往任何地方探訪邀請人的任何人,而其探訪的目的是向邀請人售賣或交付貨品、貨物或銷售品,或為出售貨品、貨物或 銷售品的定單,或將其手工藝技能或其個人服務出租予邀請人;或新聞界代表或攝影師:第2(1)條。上述定義並沒有就往來流動的小販或固定位置的小販予以識別,但《公眾衛生及市政條例》的其他條文則對這兩類小販予以認可:Ng Enterprises Ltd v Urban Council [1996] 1 HKC 209(上訴法庭)。另見 Sale of goods。n.




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