

单词 Trade variants
释义 行業變異

In relation to designs, a common matter of taste or choice within a trade. Trade variants, or variants commonly used in the trade, from a design which was already registered or was published before the filing date of the application are not new, and thus, not registrable: Registered Designs Ordinance (Cap 522) s 5(2). It is the duty of the court to take especial care that no design shall be counted new or original unless it is distinguished from what previously existed by something essentially new or original which is different from ordinary trade variants which may have long been common matters of taste or choice in the trade: Tang Fun Kee Manufacturing Co Ltd v Fortuna Plastic Manufactory [1980] 1 HKC 555. The main feature of a design may be a variant commonly used in the trade but the variant must be one used and not merely published in the Hong Kong SAR; and ‘commonly used in the trade’ means that it must be shown by the evidence to have been available in the Hong Kong SAR from more than one origin: AMP Incorporated v Utilux Pty Limited [1970] RPC 397 (CA). See also Design; Registered designs.
就外觀設計而言,指行業內普遍使用的樣式或選擇事項。由於行業變異或在所屬行業中普遍使用的變異與已經註冊或在申請提交日期前已經發表的另一項外觀設計相同,因而不得視為新外觀設計,並且不可予註冊:《註冊外觀設計條例》(第 522章)第5(2)條。法院有責任特別留意,除非某外觀設計籍若干不可或缺的新元素或獨創的元素(與一直屬於所屬行業的普遍樣式或選擇事項的一般行業變異不同),而獲界定為有別於過往存在的外觀設計,否則不可視為新的或獨創的外觀設計: Tang Fun Kee Manufacturing Co Ltd v Fortuna Plastic Manufactory [1980] 1 HKC 555。外觀設計的主要特徵可以是在所屬行業中普遍使用的變異,但有關的變異必須是在香港使用及不僅在香港發表;而「在所屬行業中普遍使用」指必須可憑藉證據證明在香港有超過一個來源可供使用:AMP Incorporated v Utilux Pty Limited [1970] RPC 397(上訴法院)。另見 Design; Registered designs。





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