

单词 Abettor
释义 教唆者

A person who intentionally assists a principal in the commission of a crime. The abettor must not be merely suspicious but acknowledge that a crime of the type in question was intended: R v Ng Wai Hung (CACC 479/90, unreported). An abettor may be convicted even though the principal is acquitted: R v Howe [1987] 1 AC 417, 1 All ER 771 (HL). See also Abet; Principal in the first degree; Principle in the second degree.
蓄意協助主犯觸犯罪行的人。教唆者不應只懷疑並須確認受質疑的罪行為意圖作出:R v Ng Wai Hung(刑事上訴1990年第479號,未經彙報)。縱使主犯獲裁無罪,教唆者仍可被定罪:R v Howe [1987] 1 AC 417, 1 All ER 771(上議院)。另見 Abet; Principal in the first degree; Principle in the second degree。 n.





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