

单词 Predisposition
释义 傾向
1. A state of mind or body rendering a person liable to act or behave in a certain way or making the person more susceptible to certain forms of illness. In tort, generally a defendant who commits a wrong takes his victim as he finds him: A-G v Chun Yat Nam [1995] 1 HKC 218. It is no answer to a claim for damages to say that the victim would have sustained no or less injury if he had not suffered from some pre-existing condition: Yip Mau Leung v University of Hong Kong [2000] 3 HKLRD 198. In assessing the quantum of damages, the sum will be discounted if the injuries suffered is also attributable to the victim’s pre-existing injury: Cheung Fat Tim v Wong Siu Ming (t/a Shui On Civil Contractors) (HCA 5079/91, unreported); Wong Hok Chuen v Tai Kam Kin (HCA 5331/85, unreported). 2. In criminal law, the predisposition of a defendant is relevant when considering the defence of diminished responsibility: HKSAR v Leung Wai Chung (CACC 85/98, unreported). See also Egg shell skull rule.
1.一種精神狀態或身體狀體使一個人要對其某種所為或行為表現負上法律責任﹐或使該人對某種形式的疾病易受感染。在侵權法﹐一般而言﹐犯上不法行為的被告在他遇見受害人時捕獲他﹕A-G v Chun Yat Nam [1995]1HKC 218 。申索不獲賠償﹐如說受害人若沒有蒙受一些之前存在條件的痛苦﹐受害人便不會蒙受或只會蒙受較少的傷害: Yip Mau Leung v University of Hong Kong [2000] 3 HKLRD 198。在評估賠償的價值時﹐如所受的傷害可歸因於受害人之前存在的傷害﹐ 數目會被打折扣: Cheung Fat Tim v Wong Siu Ming & Shui On Civil Contractors(高院民事訴訟1991年第5079號,未經彙報); Wong Hok Chuen v Tai Kam Kin(高院民事訴訟1985年第5331號,未經彙報))。  2.在刑法﹐ 當考慮減責神志失常的辯護時﹐ 被告的傾向有關: HKSAR v Leung Wai Chung(刑事上訴1998年第85號,未經彙報)。另見 Egg shell skull rule。n.




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